Past Retreats

The Heroine's Journey

Crossing the Bridge

Removing Obstacles

For brave women who make a way out of no way

Tools for the Deep:  The Mermaid Archetype

Mermaids are:

At Ease with the Great Waters of Life

Able to Navigate 2 Worlds

Do Not Fear the Deep

Independent and Mysterious

Beautiful:  An Inside Job

 A Time to Explore Inner and Outer Beauty

Tired of evaluating your looks? Time to explore how to be truly beautiful! Join others in this retreat as we explore self acceptance and joyful balance

Love Warrior Retreat

 Fall in love with yourself using SoulCollage® 

Make this decade the decade of a full and open heart


Rainbow Energy Retreat

 Chakras are spinning wheels of energy and light. There are 7 of these concentrated energy centers in the body and each one corresponds with a color.

Chakras have the loving responsibility of taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels.

In this retreat, we will explore the 7 energies, their purpose, ways they get stuck, and ways to allow their gifts.

Calling all Goddesses!  

Spend a day honoring the divine feminine!

Bring a sister, mother, daughter, aunt or niece for a fun and deepening experience. Using SoulCollage® and other empowering tools such as meditation, visualization, and ritual, participants will discover and recover the power that is found in feminine energy.

Becoming a Spiritual Elder

Every year we have a birthday. Every year we gain a little more experience. How do we collect the events in our lives and mine the gold that is in them? Rabbi Shalomi wrote a book called "From Age-ing to Sage-ing."  We will explore some of his insights about the power in age advancement and consider their application. 

In a SoulCollage® retreat with like-minded souls, you will be invited to harness the power of Spirit and consider the harvesting and holding of wisdom.

The Archetypal Power of the Holidays: A SoulCollage Mini Retreat

What is an archetype? An archetype, also known as “universal symbol,” may be a character, a theme, a symbol, or even a setting that is compelling.  When we have complicated feelings around the holidays and feel pulled by many priorities, it could be an activation of some Holiday archetypes.

Exploration and reflection can help! You can position your heart to receive the gifts of the season by exploring the archetypes that are involved for you. This mini-retreat is designed to assist in this journey.

Join kindred spirits on the path to discovering what is getting in the way and what you want to “birth” during the Holiday Season.

The masks we wear to stay safe did not start with Covid"

Ever felt that you want to unmask and be your authentic self?

This afternoon will be a time of listening to yourself and discovering what makes you YOU!

Coddiwhomple: A Journey You didn't Know You Were On

Coddiwomple means to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague or undefined destination. This describes life!  So often our journey becomes weighed down with the seriousness of a desired and/or expected destination or outcome. This is especially true around the holidays. Taking time to reflect can help!

It has been a tough 2 years

Do you need a Fun-tervention?

It's almost Mother's Day!  Time to splurge on yourself.

Find or reconnect with the fun-loving parts of your personality using SoulCollage®

Embrace the energy of a group of soul-filled women creating a joyful mindset

See what happens when you make fun a priority!

Summer Soul Renewal

 Using SoulCollage® and the Enneagram

Using the Power of Intention

A Positive Seed Planting Event

Step into Your Power!

Re-new, Re-Purpose, Re-fresh after a Holiday Season.  

Join like minded souls as we use the empowering tools of SoulCollage®, meditation and visualization to explore the unconscious forces and learned behaviors that drain our resources and our personal power.  We will look at the victim-rescuer-perpetrator triangle described by Karpman and through intuitive art making we will take mindful steps in our life journey.

A Path to Wholeness

Re-new, Re-Purpose, Re-fresh after a busy summer.  Re-Focus and Re-lax before the Holidays.  

Re-member that you are a Human Being not a Human Doing.  Join like minded souls as we use the empowering tools of SoulCollage®, meditation and visualization to explore the "Principles of Wholeness" described in a book by Jacquelyn Small.

Soul Medicine

Sacred Prescriptions for a Thriving Lifestyle and Holistic Healing

Listen and tend to the soft spot inside of you using SoulCollage®

Unburden in order to live with a full and open heart

Embrace the energy of a group of soul-filled women

Find the dosage that keeps you grounded, happy, and connected to purpose

Discover ways to practice self-compassion

Soul Medicine